Three Methods of Integrating a Class of Rational Functions

This paper examines three methods of integrating $\displaystyle\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac1{(x^2 + a^2)^{n+1}} \mathrm{d} x$.

July 2024 · Eytan Chong

On the Critical Density of Minesweeper Boards

This paper introduces the critical density of a Minesweeper board and investigates how the dimensions of a board affects it.

May 2024 · Eytan Chong, Sim Hayden, Ma Weiyi, Brandan Goh Yu Hong

Battleship: Optimal Play

This paper investigates the optimal strategy and placement of ships in Battleship.

March 2022 · Eytan Chong, Onn Qi Huan, Tan Eason, Adeline Hau Yun Yi